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Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Although thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no generally accepted agreement as to what thought is or how it is created. Thoughts may or may not arise in the mind from the product of subconscious brain processing.


Oxford Dictionary 1997 edition. Nationalism 1 patriotic feeling, principles, etc. 2 policy of national independence.


Liberal Democrats like to redefine and give their own definition to words that interfere with their agenda. They do it all the time and get away with it because people are either ignorant of the true meaning of a particular word, or they don’t have the brass to stand up and confront these idiots. If you listen to Democrats, you would think the word nationalism means racism, so if you claim to be a nationalist you are by their definition a racist. How stupid is that? We already let liberal Democrats bastardize the word marriage and give it a meaning it was never meant to have.


Regardless of how the 2018 midterm elections turn out after all the votes are finally counted, we the American citizens are destined for another two years to be held hostage by a do-nothing Congress. Of course, Democrats have already told us that they will continue to go after the President with their newly acquired power; the subpoena. Democrats will continue to resist everything that flows from the Trump administration.


We can all thank the Republican Party for their loss in the House. For the six years that the Republicans held the House they promised the American people they would repeal the Affordable Care Act. When they finally had the opportunity to fulfill that promise they balked and did nothing. It’s obvious that the Republican Party is weak and feeble. They are incapable of governing when in the majority. They can’t see past their noses and they are incapable of taking a step back so they can see the whole picture and develop a strategy.


After having control of the education in our country over the last 40 to 50 years, liberal Democrats have succeeded in dumbing down our citizens. Many students who have graduated from our high schools and universities cannot articulate the founding of our country, our Constitution, our governing process, American history or world history. History is a very important consideration in the voting process. Without the knowledge of history, we repeat the mistakes of the past. I imagine many of the people in Venezuela who are starving and living on the streets in cardboard boxes voted for socialism. How many of these people today wish they had voted differently? As American citizens we had the opportunity to look to the south and see this tragedy unfold before our very eyes. Yet, we continue to vote for Democrats.


The Democrat party is corrupt to its core. Democrat politicians in most cases are liars and deniers. If they were totally truthful when campaigning they’d never be elected to office. Of course, what I just stated is becoming less true after each election. As an example, look at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who was elected campaigning on a socialist platform. She shines as a perfect example of how liberal Democrats have and continue to dumb down our citizens. Anyone who has had the opportunity to listen to Ms. Cortez speak will come to understand that she is clueless. She has little if at all any knowledge of the founding of our Republic or its Constitution. Yet, in New York District 8 she was overwhelmingly elected to Congress. We must never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


It is the Democrat party that has and continues to place individuals into groups dividing our nation. It isn’t Donald Trump who has divided our nation; it’s the Democrat party plain and simple. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not it is there for you to see if you open your mind’s eye. Democrats use the PC narrative to squash freedom of speech; you hear about it every day taking place on our college campuses and in our universities. It’s the Democrat party that labels individuals as victims telling us we can’t succeed without the help of government. Yet, look around and you will see the failures of big government as Democrats continue to bolster for bigger government. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying because the Republican politicians are just as guilty as their counterparts. If you really want to know where the blame lies for the mishandling of the power we the people give our politicians, all you need do is look in the mirror.


Every two and four years we the people have the power in our vote to stop the corruption within our local, state, and federal government; but we the people have become lazy and complacent to the point that one day the United States will become what Venezuela is today.


John F Kennedy, a Democrat president, once said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  Wow! What a change in thought from that time 55 years ago to today. Don’t despair we did survive eight years under the Obama regime and we’ll most likely survive two years under idiot rule in the House. Just a thought…







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